January 21, 2010

Ms Productive

The thing about procrastination is that it takes up a lot of mental and psychic energy that would be better spent in other more useful ways. Been slacking on my to-do list, and found myself unable to sleep last night. So got up (think it was 2am) and dumped on paper all that clutter in my mind. Spent some time prioritizing and not surprisingly today has been an incredibly productive day. If I moved any faster, there would be smoke.

Have a play date scheduled with a new art journal friend tonight. It's an interesting endeavor when you go to someone else's home with your supplies - especially when you are determined to not take every single item you own. What if you need something you left at home? I find that can create some of the most interesting pieces.

This page was sketched as I was sipping hot tea at a bookstore. I like having pages with some color on them ready to go for moments like this.

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