January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

It is resolution time for most people, but not for me. I pick one word for the year, and use that as a reflection for my entire year. How to pick one word out of millions? Words come to me. I let them roll around for a while. After some marination, they either feel right or they don't. 

Past years:
2008: Health and Wealth
2009: Passion
2010: Connect
2011: Explore
2012: Light

I've discovered that having a word as a focus, shapes my year dramatically. I am affected physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in unexpected ways.

My word for 2013 is BEGIN. Here are some facets that excite me:
Start | Initiate | Open | Launch | To bring into being | Originate | Kick off | Embark | Enter

May 2013 be the best year yet.

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