I know you've just been on the edge of your seat waiting to see if I got in my 50 miles for this month. I gotta admit I was tempted to simply skip it. Had various things to take care of today and a fun date with my nephews. But I knew that it would bug me, and that is no way to start a new year. So, am happy (and quite pleased with myself) to report that I got in 50.56 miles. Yes, my legs are sore, but am so happy - think I mentioned that already.
To celebrate, I decided to chart my miles this year. If you recall, my goal was to walk 50 miles each month, and I squeaked that in some months. My grand total for 2011 is 714 miles. What an accomplishment to see it laid out like this. Little steps add up over time.
Happy 2012. May it be the best year yet.