April 7, 2016

Cinemascope: Before Midnight

Cinemascope is a regular blog post where I will share with you movies and TV shows I think are worth watching.

Released in 2013.

Plot line: Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and CĂ©line (Julie Delpy) first met in their twenties in BEFORE SUNRISE, reunited in their thirties in BEFORE SUNSET, and now, in BEFORE MIDNIGHT, they face the past, present and future; family, romance and love.

This is the final movie in this trilogy, and it has been quite a journey. I love the idea of checking in with a couple over several decades, and the fact that the director uses the same two actors is wonderful. Hollywood and romance novels have created an illusion of what relationships are supposed to look like, and I really appreciated this more honest look at the reality of how couples age together. A movie made for adults about adult things. Unlike so many movies made these days, there are no car chases and aliens, but there is lots and lots of talking.

You can see the trailer here. If you have yet to see it, this is a movie worth watching.

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