August 28, 2009

Recent Reads

1. Sacred Hearts
One of the fab things about books is how they transport you to another place and time. Was telling Babes that last weekend on the boat, I was in Ferara, Italy in a convent and this week am in Japan in the 1800s. Until we discover how to time travel, books allow me to do it today. Love that.

I really enjoyed this book. About 2 decades ago while reading a book I now do not recall, I realized how many women were put into convents in Italy (against their wishes) because their families could not afford the expensive dowries. Have since been fascinated by the different stories around this cultural/economic fashion. This book describes two such stories. I continue to be fascinated by the idea that some of these women "locked away" were able to live richer, more empowered lives than if they were married and living in the world of men.

2. Buddha 5 - Deer Park
Continue to enjoy this series. So reminds me of being a kid.

3. Envelopes
I love mail art, and this little book made me laugh. It is about a woman who tries to foil the mail service - letters are addressed using crossword puzzles, eye charts, drawings, maps, etc. While the book itself is a little weak - loved the idea of the post-office working diligently to figure out where the mail should go.

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