January 11, 2008


It's funny how once you find a systems that works, it's hard to let go even though technology has moved light years ahead.

Here is an example. I organize all manila folders (remember those?) and electronics documents using a similar filing system. I tend to use one of 2 methods:
1. Filed under relevant year.
In this method, everything is in the right year, and then there are sub-folders that make it easy for me to quickly find what I'm looking for.
2. Filed under relevant topic.
Similar but different from #1. Here everything is filed under topic and then sorted by year.

Both work really well for me, but recently I decided to simplify my email folders. The situation was forced by the issue of how to file something that belonged under 2 categories, say a customer and a sales person.

I now only use 3 folders. I quickly scan everything in my inbox and do one of four things:
1. Respond to items that need only a couple minutes to review and respond
2. File under Follow Up items that require review or a more lengthy response
3. File under Hold items that require input/data from someone else
4. Archive all other items

Using Goggle Desktop, or other such tools, looking for files, or emails is as easy as a search on name, topic, etc. Problem solved.

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