February 16, 2007

Scrapbooking Reads

Recently read:

1. What About the Words: Creative Journaling for Scrapbookers, by Memory Makers Books
2. The Altered Book Scrapbook, by Susan Ure
3. Imperfect Lives: Scarpbooking the Reality of Your Everday, by Tara Governo

The great thing about libraries is the constant access I have to new books. Every trip to the library is like Christmas morning - yup I do get rather giddy about the whole thing. Recently found these books on scrapbooking. Since I got Adobe Photoshop for Xmas one year, have gone almost totally digital with my scrapping, and I am always in search of new ideas and inspiration.

I find that most scrapbooking books and magazines feature layouts with loads of stuff - usually too frilly or fussy for my taste. Bad photos are bad photos, and my focus is more on my photos than on all the stuff. An interesting idea while reading one of the books was the idea of scrapping the not joyous or happy moments. As a journal keeper, I certainly write about the good, the bad and the ugly, but I certainly do not capture photos of the not fun stuff. Who does? So an interesting idea: layouts that capture the breakup, the fight, the loss, etc. Certainly gives me food for thought.

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