February 6, 2007

Cartoon Terrorists?

Could not agree more with this article:

Boston went looney tunes

February 4, 2007

So the Boston authorities panic and go crazy reacting to some dumb blinking signs scattered around the city, promoting a new cartoon. Blinking signs that didn't cause a ripple of concern in Chicago or eight other cities.

And it's supposed to be the fault of the network placing the sign?

I don't think so. If I walk through security in an airport, and a guard decides that my Moleskine notebook looks like a bomb because it is small and black and has an elastic band trailing off it, and they arrest me, evacuate O'Hare, divert all incoming flights for two hours, and shut down the whole U.S. transportation system, is that my fault?

Overreaction by the government is routine, but should not be accepted. Yes, these are scary times. But that doesn't mean we've outlawed whimsy. Terror bombs have not, to date, displayed flashing cartoon characters, and it was not irresponsible to set such signs out in public. We're still a free country, sort of, and might just continue to be, if we stand our ground.

See full article

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