May 13, 2012

Recent Reads

45. The Thorn and the Blossom
This is a story of star crossed lovers. The book only takes an hour or so to read, and I thought the writing and story was OK. What I loved about this book is the format. It is an accordion style book - one side tells the story from Evelyn's point of view and the other from Brendan's perspective. You can read either story first - and I happened to read Evelyn's first. I do like that book publishers are thinking of creative ways to make DTBs more interesting. This is an example of a book that would loose that coolness factor if read as an ebook.

46. Living Your Yoga
I have struggled with yoga. Sometimes I practice regularly, other times I fall off the wagon and cannot seem to get back on. Decided to get back on in May, and found this book to read to supplement my practice. I really liked it - it is not preachy and gave me lots to think about.

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