August 25, 2011

Recent Reads

85. Poser: My Life in Twenty-three Yoga Poses
The thing with memoirs is that you either must be interested in the person, or they must have led an interesting life. As my pal M says - most people who think they lead interesting lives really do not. I wanted to like this book and decided to try it as an audio book on my morning walks. Could not get past the first several chapters - simply too much navel gazing in a boring way for me to continue to the end.

86. A Conspiracy of Paper
I've been running across this author at every turn recently, so decided to start with his first book and really enjoyed it. I love historical fiction, and this one got me thinking about the time England first moved away from silver and gold to paper money. Remember picking up baskets of cowrie shells in Mombasa and being fascinated that they were once used as money. Paper is only worth what the issuer says it is - no wonder it caused such a ruckus. This book wonderfully explores London in 1719, a time of stock jobbers, greed, power plays and the chaos that ensues that quite aptly reflects some of the shenanigans that took place on Wall Street recently.

87. Prince of Fire
This is No.5 in the Gabriel Allon series and explores some of the history behind the tensions in the Middle East. A good read that gives one lots to ponder. Everyone has a story. Everyone is right. So how to fix the cycle of violence?

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