November 5, 2008


What an incredible moment in our history. I've not had enough sleep and have been on an emotional ride - but what a day.
  • We have the first person of color in the white house (not a woman, but still pretty amazing)
  • States that have historically been red turned blue
  • Record voter turn out
  • MA and other states said no to eliminating the state tax (where exactly would these funds come from if we did?)
  • Greyhounds everywhere can breathe easier now that we have banned dog racing in MA
  • Possession of less than an ounce of pot is no longer a criminal offense in MA (about dang time)
  • OR passed doctor assisted deaths (about time we cared more about a person's dignity and right to choose)
  • CA banned same-sex marriage (sigh - what does that mean for those who did get married?)
  • Kenya declared today a national holiday (shout out to my peeps)
Obama has created a movement - yes we can.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I am so stinking happy about the election results. It feels great to feel hopeful for our country after a long, long eight years.