March 11, 2011

The day the earth shook

Woke up this morning to hear about the 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

Could not drag my eyes away from the footage. There is something that shakes us to our reptilian core when the ground beneath our feet moves. Yes, we intellectually understand that we are on a little piece of land floating on this huge hot ocean of magma, hurtling our way through space, but at our core, we simply do not believe it. The intellect that understands this crazy notion developed so much later, and is not as built into our DNA as what we know at our core: moving earth = bad. And if that is not bad enough, the tsunami - such a lovely name for something so scary - comes roaring through swatting all man-made objects out of its way like we swat at gnats. And then there was that whirlpool in the ocean - simply could not believe my eyes.

I've held the people of Japan and all affected in my thoughts today. May you and your loved ones be safe.

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