June 15, 2017

Cinemascope: Big Little Lies

Cinemascope is a regular blog post where I will share with you movies and TV shows I think are worth watching.

Image result for big little lies hbo

Released in 2017.

Plot line: Based on the same-titled best-seller by Liane Moriarty, "Big Little Lies" weaves a darkly comedic tale of murder and mischief in the tranquil beachfront town of Monterey, Calif. Amidst doting moms, successful husbands, beautiful children, and stunning homes exists a community fueled by rumors and divided into haves and have-nots, exposing fractured relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, and friends and neighbors. Told through the eyes of three mothers -- Madeline, Celeste and Jane -- the series' narrative explores society's myths regarding perfection and its romanticization of marriage, sex, parenting and friendship. Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley star as the three prominent "mothers of Monterey."

A shout out to HBO for this one. I just know that the book would not work for me, I mean look at that premise. Poor rich white women? Not my cup of tea in prose, but this show you guys is fantastic. Yes there are obscene amounts of wealth on display, but I loved that this is really a story about women: women judging each other, being there for one another, using their children as weapons, and the reality of violence against women. It's an honest look at the good, the bad and the ugly, and I love that roles like these are being created for older women in the industry.

You can see the trailer here. If you have yet to see it, this is TV worth watching.

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