March 1, 2011

Travel Journal

I made my first ever video yesterday - a journal flip of my latest travel journal - made for an upcoming trip. You can see it here.

Journal details:
After considering the various book binding options, I decided to go with a simple ring bound book. I've used this style before and they are wonderfully easy to use while traveling. The book opens flat. It is easy to add and re-arrange pages. And the book can expand as much as needed. For this book I'm using four 1.5 inch book rings.

I made the covers using recycled cardboard and wallpaper samples. The inside of the book contain watercolor paper (pre-painted and blank), cardstock, wallpaper, scrapbook paper, vellum, stickers, writing paper, grid paper, envelopes, stamps, paint samples, staples, watercolors, etc. I decided this would be a good book to use up some of the scraps left over from other projects.

Love fat and juicy journals just waiting to be filled.


Cynthia said...

Love the journal, the rings and the extra holes for binding. Great idea. The music eith the video was fun with your presentation. Your stamps are also fabulous. Hope your trip will fill this up with juicy stuff and wonderful adventures.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks C. Not sure which is more fun - making the book or filling it up.

Renee D. said...

This looks great. I love that the design allows you to move pages around and add memorabilia from your trip.