February 22, 2016

Recent Reads

188. The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion
Oh, but I am so conflicted about this one. It's a five star idea in two star packaging.

I love so much the basic premise of this book: follow your bliss; be you. What's not to love about the notion of the crossroads of Should and Must? Shoulds are usually externally motivated, while Musts are usually a cry from our authentic self. This book does have some useful exercises and tips, and is a quick read, so I would recommend it to anyone interested in living a life that is fulfilling. Umm, wouldn't that be everyone you ask? Well, yes, but set your expectations appropriately for the hour and a half it will take to read it is all I'm saying. Rating: 3 stars.

189. A Christmas Carol
I listened to the a full cast audio production by the Voices in the Wind Audio Theatre.

This story need no introduction or recap as everyone has either read the book or watched multiple adaptations of it. I hadn't read the book since my school years, and it was interesting to see how much of the actual story got overwritten by the various adaptations I've seen over the years. The original story is so worth going back and reading again. Classic Dickens. Bah Humbug! Rating: 4 stars.

190. Bone, Vol. 1: Out from Boneville
Book blurb: After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone, are separated and lost in a vast uncharted desert. Collects issues #1-6.

This is my first foray into this highly rated graphic novel series, and I must confess that I'm at a loss as to what all the fuss is about. There are some cute illustrations, and some fun plot points, but overall this one left me cold. I've already got the next book in the series checked out from my library, though am not sure I care enough to read it. Rating: 1 star.

191. Drawing For Painters
This slim volume is full of wonderful tips and inspiration. No long winded writing, just simple examples of how to improve your drawing. This book gets the rating it does because I simply read it and did not do the exercises in the book - not a fault of the authors - and I can see going back and re-reading this one with art supplies in hand at a future date. Rating: 3 stars.

192. The Ultimate Alphabet
This is a fun book to have around when you've got a group of people gathered. It is puzzle book of sorts; a Where's Waldo for an older crowd.

What is it exactly? It is a fun alphabet book, but nothing like the ones we used as kids. In this one the author/artist illustrates each letter of the alphabet with paintings of hundreds of objects that all begin with that particular letter, and the objective is to see how close you can come to finding/naming all the objects painted. This would be a fun book for both older teens and adults, especially if there is a competitive streak in the group. Rating: 3 stars.

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