July 24, 2014

Cinemascope: True Detective (Season 1)

Cinemascope is a regular blog post where I will share with you movies and TV shows I think are worth watching.

Released in 2014.

Plot line: The lives of two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana.

I don't know what is going on at HBO, but they are producing incredible content over there. Almost makes me want to get cable. Not really, but almost. Since we do not have cable, I have to wait until the show comes out on DVD, and I put my hands over my ears every time someone talks about the show before I've seen it.

I love the cast. I love the lines. The acting is really good, and the setting and story is so dark. This is not your detective story of old. It is very cleverly told in present time and with flashbacks. So, so good. Though I do have a quibble with the ending. I think there was the perfect ending, and then they got picked up for another season, and some junk got added on. Can Season 2 be even remotely as good as this one? We'll see.

You can see the season trailer here. If you have yet to see it, this is TV worth watching.

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